
much grief I am silent,

slight fragrance. How much grief I am silent, than these, what they got, I haven't seen a arrogant, it is arrogant to prevail upon the dignity of our vulnerability.
In the most bleak and Dim day, heavy shackles has frozen all the exports that lift the wings falling dust of time, everything is not irreparable. At least we can wrap up the collar, you can also hold each other for warmth, as well as across a stratified glass full of frostwork, calmly watched in silence. It's a kind of belief, makes us so strong? Circle of power, always creating unexpected miracle.

Like the pure beauty of the snow, just stir beautiful veil, disappear without a trace, the space cause be full of reverie. The night is yet young, unfinished, points to the last drop, heart felt feelings who sued? Is a painting of canvas spread out, used to a lot of passion. When cold, rugged blurred wood on. Source of the stream may be moved, perhaps sweet, maybe the gleam of the past, is perhaps the past life of the mark, love of this life. Precious was, that the smile is still brilliant.  

Posted by yaotao at 11:30


That smile is still shining

That smile is still shining
Give me an autumn encounter, even a month do you white wind of Qing dynasty. In this bleak seasons, even land the bleak, I also have you give me warmth, even leaves no longer whispering to me, I will be boundless aftertaste that won't fray with tenderness of heart. Even if you back has disappeared, then stay in the heart of the tremor will never stop, as this eternal feelings, there will be no mountain is no mausoleum, winter Lei Zhenzhen may have any change.
Sometimes, I'm a clumsy spiders, all day long with ceaseless mind weave not see NET in an attempt to live even in the years running network poor a little better, at least one or two drops of my heart to cherish. Times quickly without, then small thoughtful ideas, but cannot resist rivers running time from my frustration, go up. But the bridge but the people, silent East to melancholy. Maybe the net only for myself, cannot retain is the eternal rush.
Without casting any traces, is always filled with worry, sadness covered in eyes. Most pure, most exciting, most can't make it, I knew it was you, but what is. At first glance are brilliant, often after you have opened a beautiful prelude to the dream, but missing, no context. One end of song, and a Acacia outstanding. I don't even know why start this journey, where is the end, might very well have that no one knows.
What does it matter. We sing, to a sudden move, in order to meet short good. We dance, in order to melt in the natural rhythm of the book to be a person in the eyes of the scenery. We were intoxicated, to never, for apical swaying on a Mobile Repeater
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Posted by yaotao at 11:28Comments(0)


belief in this is enjoying

I was tired, but my life fresh as if feel this autumn, gives me the impression was often sad and parting, sad to say goodbye to maple leaf loss branch, parting in cry of the rain xiaoxiao. Into the cold is reluctant, but unable to escape. I went into the tired is reluctant, but it is their choice, I didn't want to leave this weary, this brings me happiness and sadness are reluctant to leave comfortable fatigue. Because I knew were caught cold by autumn wind is more than just cold, there is the beautiful fairy-tale silver world, there is the warm, also make people experience only in winter is more the genuineness. Warmth is cold and look forward to! Happiness is tired of the end! This, into the cold courage, belief in this is enjoying the pain.
Don't know which year to start, I began to remember my late autumn, clouded my life with depression, had peaked in the late autumn. It seems sad that the fall in this season, failed to give me shenshang, but a pure romance and happiness. Four seasons reincarnation, mood changes, seasons brings to my mood is quietly changing. I finally understand, those flowers in full bloom for me those sunny day for me; those to my rain; those as I withered leaves to
Sadness and happiness are themselves give yourself, happy life is self build out. Enjoy my own happiness and joy! Let autumn wind anxious; let autumn leaf yellow; blue autumn day; autumn rain to cool some; was then concentrated by late autumn, autumn heartmarine fender
Rubber Fender

Posted by yaotao at 11:27Comments(0)


finally flew away

Female Gull sad song more and sad and shrill, increasingly rapid, with the sound of 构词成分。, with the sound of table, the sound is anxious ferret lung. Father regretted it he complain they just shouldn't be driving that one shot, so that these love Gull birds apart from Yin-Yang.

Tragic Gull song makes us want to leave here. We turned to go, suddenly whine voice of an abrupt end on the last long.

"Fly away, and finally flew away. "Dad can't help but Shu said, had a happy smile on his face.

However, we were stunned by back, upright and unyielding female gulls have been killed on the stone, fell to the male Gull aside to blend together two Gull bird blood, red preclusion lining, exceptionally dazzling.

My tears Huahua drop, blurs the vision, father with tears in his eyes. We all know, call of the female Gull lives with it hope wake SF double-dwelling with male Gull migratory. However sounds calls it disappointed again and again, the last with a wail of despair, bitterness, frustration is it long words, crowing, exhausted, and could do nothing, will decisively select a die for love and death.

Dad quietly walked to the car. He said to me: "my girl, Dad won't do not hunt again. "The shotgun he used a hammer to remove the bullet hitting percentage fell out of the distance. Stop stop, dad said, "Unfortunately there is no mud buried the gull bird. ”
Car speeding away, stay in my heart is heavy feel.
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Posted by yaotao at 17:40Comments(0)



However, we were stunned by back, upright and unyielding female gulls have been killed on the stone, fell to the male Gull aside to blend together two Gull bird blood, red preclusion lining, exceptionally dazzling.

The black Valley in early October is the wind, cold weather season, snow accumulated on the Hill against the grey sky more sad, bleak. Cold hit, migratory birds have moved to the South, just a few days time. Water of varying thickness, beaches and lakes are frozen ice. This morning, Dad pick up shotguns took me to Los Mahu hunting.

Lone Wolf Mercedes-Benz cars like horses in the endless desert, rugged road-tossed human scalp tingling. Along the way, father driving while chatting Los Mahu topic. He said Luo-Ma Lake is a natural lake, in April or May, the warm sun melting mountain snow and at Lake of melting ice, and snow turns to trickle from all directions are wading into clear lake, Lake Ying Luo Mahu, like green jade blue on the horizon. At this time, grass was green, and the growth of lush, water insects, shrimp cruising. Anser indicus, Brown-headed Gull, yellow duck, eismowe, and so on tens of thousands of birds fly here from distant southern feeding, egg production and reproduction. Because there's no harassment of predators such as wolves, foxes, snakes and injuries, some are huge water plants and tasty fish and shrimp and worms let birds eat three square meals a day, so Los Mahu birds of freedom, happiness and joy to their homes, their arbitrary under the blue sky and white clouds fly, just timing.
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Posted by yaotao at 17:36Comments(0)


She hurriedly asked

The stewardess came up: "I'm sorry, Madam, was frightened by the two. Hotel did not fire, the smoke smell was intentionally placed into the private room, a little bit, this is our fourth dish, called ' the inner select '. Please come back private dining room. "He and she returned to the private room, the lights still. Him pull her: "dear the waitress was right, thing you just now my heart real choice. In fact, we who are inseparable from who, tomorrow we remarry? " She bites his lips: "will you?"
"I do, what I now see, tomorrow morning I'll have to remarry. Miss pays. "He said.
The stewardess came and handed two exquisite red list, one: "ladies well, this is the two bills, is also the last gift of the hotel, named ' Bill forever ', two remain forever.
He looks at Bill, tears ran down.
"How could you?" She hurriedly asked.
He gave it to her bills, "honey, I'm wrong, I'm sorry for you. ”
She open Bill a see, saw above wrote with: a warm of home; two only toiling of hand; three-shift does not put out, you home of lamp, seasons note body of told, in every possible way of care; six old The Mother-in-Law of smile; start work early and knock off late on children of care, p plus maintenance you of prestige, nine Xia kitchen to you love eat of together dishes; ten years for you gone of youth sth sth This is your wife.
"Honey, you are given so much, my apathy you all these years. "She gave it to his own share of the Bill. He opened the Bill, it said: a man's responsibility; shoulders burden of stirring up; middle of tiring; ever before in a hurry; cannot tell grievances; left on the face of vicissitudes; seven eight aunt obligations; eight under twists on the eight nine distinctions and defects of mortals, always effects on the truth of sth This is your husband.
Two people hold together, burst out crying.
Knit up accounts that he and her manager qianenwanxie, hand in hand, go back home. Watching them happily back Manager nodded with a smile: "really happy, I divorced hotels saving a family!"
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Posted by yaotao at 17:31Comments(0)


some say a Word

He also reminded of the past 10 years, he did not remember this, I have had five or six years to buy her a rose. He put the hand: "no, you want to buy. "The stewardess has picked up the roses," brush "tore in two halves, respectively, threw them into the Cup for two, rose should have dissolved in the drinks. "This is our hotel specially made with glutinous rice and Red Roses, as well as to your third dish called ' map-view of the beautiful '. Ms slow, is there any need to call me directly. "The stewardess said, turned and walked out.
"XX, for me," he held her by the hand, some say a Word.
She hands, no TIC, will no longer move. Two men quietly gaze, not tell anything. "Crack!" Suddenly, the light went out, the entire private room in the dark, outside the alarm loudly, a smoke smell floating in. "What?" Two people stood up quickly. "The shops on fire and people now go from a secure channel! fast!" Outside, some people began to shout themselves hoarse.
"My husband!" She threw herself into his arms, "I'm afraid!"
"Don't be afraid!" He held on arms around her, "honey, I do. Go out rush! " Private rooms outside lights brightly lit, orderly, nothing happens.
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Posted by yaotao at 17:30Comments(2)


He and she nodded

He and she nodded: "then I'll have a cold drink. ”
Soon, the stewardess has sent two cold drink, two drinks and a light blue, all ice track; a full glass of Ruddy, steaming.
"This dinner was called ' half flame, half sea water ', the two enjoy. "Service introduce miss out your back down.
Private room was silent, two people sit opposite each other, even for a moment do not know what to say. "Tuk Dudu!" A knock softly, the stewardess came his tray, hold a branch of the Red Rose: "Sir, still remember the first time you send flowers to the Lady before? now that's over, husband and wife is not as friends, friends are better study well, and finally for ladies sent rose. "She was a shake, eyes emerge again 10 years ago he sent her flowers. Then they came unaccompanied, block this provincial capital, nothing, everything from scratch. The day, they go around looking for work, and strive hard evening, in order to increase revenue, she went to the late City out of the stands, he went to for others do the dishes. Very late very late, they will return to that less than 10 square meters in the underground room rental cabins. Days are very bitter, but they are a happy. To the province's first Valentine's day, he bought his first red rose, her happy tears. For 10 years, everything was better, but two people to the separation. She was thinking about this, tears welling up her eyes, her hand saying: "out of use. ”
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Posted by yaotao at 17:29Comments(0)


Origin edge off

Origin edge off, in fact doomed, after all my world without you. In love this white paper, most can not stand is the commitment. In your eyes, I'm just a humble clown nothing.

I smile, open your hand, but his eyes fall of tears, but to deceive themselves, which over the years, I looked for you, or your own wishful thinking sad it?

- Dream Whispering Colour

Drawing near, had carved a witness of love of trees has grown into a tree, a small imprint, now turned into a huge scar. I laughed quietly, with endless sadness. I want to firmly grasp the love, do not let it slip away from me again, and have found that the more tight grasp, the more like the flow of sand-like from the palm, fingers slipping.

Have you ever said to me: as long as you give me something, no matter what will make me feel very happy, too much to ask Ye Hao, Ye Hao pain, or even kill me will know the blade Ye Hao, and make me gray heart full of color, regardless of to where I am willing to fall with you. Nightingale whisper these words as nice as when.

Love, can not stand the commitment.

So long, so long after, we should say something, what can not imagine so sad ah.

Rain, wet sky, mine, cut through the quiet. I tried to smile, is to make myself not in sorrow? Is to make you think I am strong? Or just to interpret it all, too much dedication, will only bring pain.laser marking machine
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Posted by yaotao at 16:40Comments(0)


The sun will

The sun will illuminate the transparent green leaves, the moonlight pouring quietly in the night, not ready to leave it? Why am I still so obsessed with it? Why does my heart have been taking the time to feel it?

I have been waiting for, you never know, a person's memory only iron railings, and everyone dispersed, lonely, a man quietly sitting there. The sky is gray, you do not know, because you are not me, you do not understand that love for me, is so precious.

I have also naive fantasy, fantasy of two people occupy each other, holding hands, we will be able to finish this life, but now, the dream has become a whipping.

In fact, a person I used to, without you, I will very happy too, right, as long as you happy, I just quietly waiting for it enough.  

Posted by yaotao at 16:38Comments(0)


Shallow summer, breezy evening

, tis lily bloom quietly, and looked eagerly, hoping butterflies seem to be pro-Gu. However, the makeup of that paper has not yet had time to listen to the dynamic temperament Xia Lei, dying in the rain waiting for the dust.

Was like the wind, dedicated to chasing the pace of dandelion; was like rain, stubbornly beat the butterfly's wings. Kept in years, counted not the fleeting, the face of litter has been expelled the heart of hope, lost lovers forever pending the cycle of love.

That year, we walk through the fantasy chock Miami Beach, overlooking our own pregnant bathing California sun, we look forward to sipping cup for Wordsworth's manor style. Butterflies did not occur, turning the pages of albums, dust a long time the mood, such as the fiber cable Wujiang waterside heavy lingering, only Yi Sha, the man left.

The departure of a person, not just laugh and laughing in the Surging Wave Pavilion, Penglai Island, clap your hands together under vows, for a person to do the coast now, more of a salty sea-like rush of tears and hurt. Yes, heartbroken! Heartbroken people in the horizon, broken-hearted song in your heart.  

Posted by yaotao at 16:34Comments(0)


Bitter to the heat of summer

Bitter gourd, bitter because of its name, also known as Bitter Melon. Bitter melon is also used to Qingshu to the hot summer vegetables. Bitter melon is rich in vitamins B, C, calcium, iron, etc., Li said, bitter gourd with "Chuxie hot solution Laofa, pure heart and eyesight, Qi impotence" of the effect. It is found that it has hidden significant glucose effect on diabetes have a certain effect. It also has some anti-virus capabilities and anti-cancer effect.

Bitter cold stomach should not be eaten raw spleen

Bitter gourd cooked food and warm, raw diet cold, cold stomach deficiency therefore should not be eaten raw. In addition, pregnant women should be Shensi.  

Posted by yaotao at 18:15Comments(0)


STYLE1: cone head short hair

STYLE1: cone head short hair

Editor Comments: The hair of each MM is not all bangs it, you only put it aside and take it? now make better use of your bangs, it makes you an instant little face. According to the appropriate curvature of face trim Liu Qi, the use of bangs cover the forehead, effectively breaking the proportion of the forehead and face, little face better able to achieve results. Remember that the length of the best bangs is in eyebrows, eyelashes, oh. Liu finishing time, the use of hair sticks will be made ​​of micro-bangs "C" Punta degree, to highlight the brow, creating the effect of significant features.

For face: long face, oval face, inverted triangle face

Face-lift index: ★ ★ ★ ★

Refreshing Index: ★ ★ ★

Tencent broadcasts to microblogging
Face-lift and cut long hair short hair by age (Photo)

STYLE2: short hair shoulder-length paper

STYLE2: short hair shoulder-length paper

Editor Comments: shoulder-length hair in addition to the length of the micro-contour bottle, you can also try this hair curl. Add curl hair can increase the amount of hair and the heavy sense of feeling, very 80's retro style, with 10 years of clothing trends, fashion greatly enhanced degree! use rods to create a fringe of hair Peng degrees, so that the forehead looks like Look up suddenly. The tail slightly curled using curling rods to create the the Large degree, and then use stereotypes spray shape. The volume level can increase slightly the level of hair and lively sense of feeling, but also effectively cover both sides of the fleshy cheeks, to modify face, make faces look more slender.  

Posted by yaotao at 18:11Comments(0)










Posted by yaotao at 17:21Comments(0)



この時点で、私の心臓の鼓動が、それはあなたのためです。現時点では、暖流、それはあなたのためであり、この瞬間、私の目は、幸福の滴でいっぱいに私の体涙、それはあなたのためです。も地球の場合は、背面に精通して見ることができます終了... ...


少しずつ、どのように多くの言いようのない感情を持って貴重な思い出。 、月の無邪気な笑顔をしています。どのように幸せのように美しいおとぎ話には、おとぎ話は、手をつないで、それぞれのクスクス笑う少女他で探している。古代の運河、さわやかな、緑の枝の上を歩く、空気に舞う風を保持された。桃の花の粉末化粧は静かに、咲いて、水の透明度、灰色のすずめの風で渡します。これら2つの女の子と呼ばれる  

Posted by yaotao at 11:35Comments(0)





Posted by yaotao at 11:33Comments(0)






Posted by yaotao at 11:32Comments(0)

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